Unit 169
If interested please email us on - info@brierleyhill.co.uk
- 151 - The Hot Bread Shop
- 152 & 152a - Sweets
- 153 - Belle Fleurs Florists
- 154a - Vacant
- 155 & 154 - Deakin-Jones Butchers
- 157/156A & 156A & 156 - Its All Greek To Me
- 158 - Greengrocers
- 159 - Vacant
- 160 - Vacant
- 161 - Harpers Handmades
- 162 - Lisa's Blusher & Bling
- 164 - Tights & Underwear
- 164a - Ladies Fashion
- 166 - Vacant
- 167 - Karolina Fashion
- 168a - Vacant
- 168 - Vacant
- 169 - Vacant
- 169a - Wards School & Workwear
- 172 & 171 - Pet Stall
- 170 - AK Thai Massage
- 165 & 165a - Butterflies